About Us
Expert Certified Safety Training Program Development.
Melanie Mornard
In a nutshell I build compliance competencies into organizations. What you get working with me...
...someone with a diverse business background with 40+ years executive experience developing management, human resource, and safety programs. Proven skill implementing multi-district, international compliance and training programs. Highly organized, creative and effective at needs analysis, goal setting and implementation.
Over 40+ years of nationwide training and presentation experience delivering employee development, technical skills and management training for diverse audiences nationwide with consistent excellent instructor ratings.
Orientations to develop supervisory skills, and assure compliance with state and federal HR and OSHA regulations, employee and train-the-trainer manuals for technical, HR, and customer service skills development.
Established initial safety programs, and developed and conducted intensive trainings in diverse industries as banks, Native American casinos, jails and processing plants, bringing them into compliance with all government regulations.