All Courses
Meet the requirements for the Minnesota Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP).

Bloodborne Pathogens
OSHA required training for bloodborne pathogens and potentially infected materials.

Recognizing & Reporting Abuse
Covers legal aspects of abuse prevention, sensitivity toward disabilities, and giving great customer service.

Frequently Asked Questions
How soon after I complete a class will I get my certificate?
Certificates are processed around the 1st and 15th of the month and will be emailed to the email address used when you enrolled.
How long do I have to complete courses?
The Department of Transportation (DOT) normally says that transit drivers should complete their initial training within 45-days of hire. Some companies require completion of required training before an employee can begin driving. Check with your supervisor for specific requirements.
How do I get support if I have a problem?
Go to the Home page and click on “Contact”. This will give you the option of calling us during normal business hours, or you can email us with a question.
Can RTAP drivers outside of Minnesota take these courses?
Yes, the content meets the requirements of the RTAP program. There are some references specific to Minnesota in the reporting abuse section of the Maltreatment Awareness course, but this can be updated to meet the requirements of other States.